Nancy Fenn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Upcoming Events

Promote the Acceptance of Astrology as a Legitimate Healing Art
Foster Relationships between Astrologers and Other Professionals

Nancy Fenn Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Nancy Fenn Memorial Scholarship Fund is established in the memory of Nancy R. Fenn, an astrologer who dedicated herself to advancing the legitimacy of her profession.  The Fund’s mission is to  raise and distribute funds for the purpose of studying astrology and to improve the reputations of  astrologers in the community.

End of year 2021 fundraiser was a big success. We raised $300 towards our goal of $10,000. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

The fund seeks to raise and distribute funds to individuals who wish to further study astrology in depth. After we reach our fundraising goal we will set up a system for applying for distribution of funds for individuals to take classes, programs, and/or pursue independent study. 

Part of the mission of the Fund is to foster better understanding between astrologers and other professionals.  

Astrology can heal through understanding of self and others. It explains the mysteries of life and contains classical wisdom about the human condition.
Raise and Distribute Funds for the Study of Astrology